Leo Kuelbs Collection

Light Year 69: Evoke

Thursday, January 7th, 2021

2-10 pm EST

* Streaming on the Light Year Facebook page beginning at 2pm EST

* Live projections onto the Manhattan Bridge from 6pm-10pm EST

Featuring work by Sara Sun, Tracey Snelling and Idan Levin, Alisi Telengut, Katinka Hajas, and Travis Manning.

Curated by Leo Kuelbs.

“Evoke” asks artists to consider the natural sounds of a city and create works that fit to its incessant rumbling of jackhammers, sirens, alarms—all things that shifted during the recent lockdown.

The noise of a city is often considered one of its worst qualities, yet when it is removed, we miss it. “Evoke” is an admission of acceptance to the sounds we take for granted. Evoke videos are without sound and created for projection on the Manhattan Bridge in the wintertime, with its trains and auto ambient noise as its soundtrack. Somehow the sounds of the city are evocative of its beating heart.