Light Year 72: Virusological

Thursday, April 1st, 2021

ONLINE: 2-10pm EST

LIVE: Dusk - 10pm @ Pearl Street Triangle; DUMBO, Brooklyn

Watch the content live on YouTube from 2-10p EST

Watch the bridge live on Facebook from dusk - 10p EST

Virosological is a selection of short films created in 2020 - the year that will undoubtedly be written in a noticeable font in recent world history. A year that introduced the terms ‘Pandemic Society’ and ‘New Normality’. 2020 confronted us with such fundamental changes in societies, political decisions and the global economy that we had forgotten since WWII. The pandemic has completely changed individual and collective behavior, it has confronted the concepts of globalism, it has created a good environment for far-right movements and a stage for conspiracy theories and it has unceremoniously revealed the contradictions of national, racial, economic, religious and gender contradictions. The Virusological program directly or indirectly correspond to the Covid-19 era. Some of the videos "occupy" reality from what is happening around us. In other works, reality is presented in a more abstract way - through the depth of personal emotion.

Featuring works by Janos Brückner, Olivier Hölzl, Michail Michailov, Raphaele Shirley, and Miae Son

Curated by Boris Kostadinov