Leo Kuelbs Collection

Light Year 61: All Natural


Thursday, May 7th, 2020

2-10 pm (NYC time)

Watch it on the Light Year facebook page!

In light of guidelines from the city regarding gatherings during this time, Light Year 61: "All Natural" will be a STREAMING ONLY experience.

ALL NATURAL is a curated selection of video artworks that question the status of human nature, natural phenomena, and ontological distortions of what we might mean by the term "natural" while also poking fun at how artists, especially those who manipulate data and imagery, present the seemingly natural by other means. ALL NATURAL is, of course, also used in the food industry as part of its labeling and advertising agenda though its true meaning is more fluid across various countries than we sometimes like to think.

The videos in this exhibition ask us to question what it means to have access to nature, to capture nature, to consume nature, to manipulate nature, and to feel connected to nature as if we ourselves were naturally inclined.

Curated by Mark Amerika.

Featuring work by Sabrina Ratté, Rick Silva, Erin Espelie, Melanie Clemmons and Zak Loyd, Chris Coleman, Brenna Murphy, Will Luers and Roger Dean, Mark Amerika and The Artist 2.0.